"Look with me . . . in feathered awareness . . . ."


Monday, January 28, 2008


Yes, there are thirteen ways, and more,
to look at the blackbird

but it is the corn that makes the hollow
sound of the shock of the season

and the black bird
is only the dovecote
that devours the green.

The covenant cold will come:
rustle to shake all reason.

We can choose to rage
at the sight of the last shuck in the field
to shriek when we find the worm in the ear
to bargain for another hull to fill the husk
to surrender to the promise of a later yield
even to welcome
the coming of the black bird

but first we all must listen
to the rattle
of the wind in the cornstalks.

*HEBREW: Do not fear to call up the monster.

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